Saturday, 28 October 2017

The Seventh Hindrance To Divine Blessing Is Lack Of Faith:  
People of God faith, is discovering or locating God’s word for an issue or a situation, believing what you have discovered, acting on it as if it will not fail and praising God or thanking Him in advance; these are the four components of faith.
Faith is not just what you believe; faith is what you do because of what you believe. Therefore, the bible said in Hebrews 11:6: “that without faith, it is impossible to please God” meaning that you can’t deal with God except you operate in Faith.
In James 1:5-7, the bible says: “if any man lacks wisdom (which of course is the same thing as money, healing); He said let the person ask God who gives without blaming anybody, but let the person ask in faith”. God does not deal with people who don’t believe his Word, people who don’t believe that what they are asking God will come to pass. He said that let anyone who is asking in doubt not think that he will receive anything from God because that kind of person is like a man who is tossed by the wind, never steady. 

In Matthew 17:19-20, Jesus said to his disciples that if they have faith even as small as mustard seed that they can command situations (impossible situations) to become possible and nothing shall be impossible to them. Whether it is in the realm of making money, whether it is in the realm ministry, whether it is in the realm of profession, whether it in your academics, you need to operate in faith.
People of God, in many cases and circumstances in our life, we will come like Israel came before the Red Sea. We will come like Israel came before the Walls of Jericho. We will come to a situation where what God has prepared for us or released for us is ahead of us; but we need to cross certain obstacles and challenges in other to experience the full manifestation of what God has ordained for us. Now, in that kind of circumstance, there is nothing that can save the situation except a miracle; and you cannot get a miracle without faith. Every miracle is a product of faith and we define faith in concrete terms and told you what it is. We said that Faith is discovering or locating God’s word for an issue or a situation, believing what you have discovered with all your heart like a baby, acting on it as if it will not fail and praising God or thanking Him in advance. 

Faith links us to the abilities of God. It’s like a fuse that releases the Power of God into our spirit; so that we move from the level of humanity and we becoming en-grafted in God’s nature which is divinity. When that happens, you can see things only God can do happen in your life; because you have enlarged unto the abilities of God by Faith. Faith only comes by hearing of the Word. 

Faith is not bravado; it is not foolishness or being unrealistic. Faith is not refusing to face our situation and circumstances. Faith is facing our circumstances, acknowledging the physical reality of where we are or what is facing us but discovering what God said in His Word concerning that area. So that what God has said overtakes the physical reality in our spirit; so that the power of God neutralizes or overshadows as it where, those facts that seem physically to create impossible situations. When Israel came before the Red Sea, there was no denying the fact that the Red Sea was in front of them and it was a physical fact. But God had the solution and when He spoke, He told Moses to tell the Israelite s to move forward. And when they moved towards the brink of the water, God commanded Moses to strike the water with his rod which he did and the water parted. When they came face to face with the Walls of Jericho and that what was standing between them and their blessings of entering into their promise land.  God gave the Israel a detailed instruction of they go will round about the Walls of Jericho; that which brought down Jericho. 

Now if you are facing situations in your life that only miracles; which is His divine intervention can sought out, then you can’t cross that point except you believe absolutely to what the Word of God says.
People of God, believing what the Word of God says and having a faith is a different thing from having a mental ascent. Mental ascent means: I agree with what the Word of God is saying but Faith means: I believe it, am standing on it and am going to work on it. Mental ascents are agreement but without the decision to act on what you have believed or what you believe. 

#Copied From It is God’s Will to Bless His People (Coming Soon).                  

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

It Brings Us Into Fellowship With God (Ephesians 2:12 & 13): We were afar of, separated from God before Jesus paid the price. And now by the blood, we are brought in and we have peace with God (Hebrews 10:19-23). Because our conscience is now cleansed by the Blood of Jesus; because we have reconciled with God, we can share fellowship with God.
People of God what Adam had which he lost was not a religion; what Adam had at the beginning which he lost was the “relationship with God”. Adam did not practice the rights and rituals of religion. What Adam had was a relationship of Father-Son with God.
The bible said that God will come down in the cool of the evening to discuss with Adam, which was communion; that was relationship. Adam was God’s son and God was his Father. God interacted with him and he did likewise with God. They enjoy a mutual relationship and a close communion.
And so, when Adam sinned against God, what he lost was not a religion, what Adam lost was a relationship with God, and that was why one day God arrived to discuss, Adam ran away and hid himself from God because the relationship had been broken, the communion had been disconnected. And so, when Jesus came as the last Adam and restored what the first Adam lost. What did Jesus restored was not a religion because no religion was lost, what Jesus restored was a communion, a relationship that was lost.
 Now, everybody that believes in Jesus or that received Jesus is restored unto a communion with the Father; the kind of communion that Adam lost in the beginning. Therefore, the blood of Jesus brings us into fellowship with God and that does a lot of good things for us.  In John 1:7, the bible says that there is a fellowship with one another and there is a fellowship with God. And these all are founded on the blood of Jesus which paid the price to restore the relationship with us; which was what Adam lost.
#Copied from the Power in the Blood of Jesus (Coming Up Soon)
With Pastor Michael Okwundu Onyeka

Tuesday, 3 October 2017


THE RIGHT TO USE THE FATHER’S NAME: Every son, every daughter until the daughter is married physically or naturally (as the way events happen) is entitled to use the name of the Father. In fact, it is a Right you receive before you are able to know what the right is. Because as soon as you are born, your father gives you a name and the name of your father, forms part of your name and in natural matters, we call it surname. 

Your personal name comes before your father’s name; your father’s name is added as a capping to your name. That is the same way it happens physically, it is the same way spiritually. When you become God’s children, we become entitled to use the name of our father; we become entitled to bear the name of our Father, we become entitled to invoke the name of our Father.  

In the physical terms or natural terms of doing things, a man who is intelligent or wise does not deal with a growing person carelessly without first finding out who is your father. In many case, the question that comes before he makes up his mind to deal with somebody standing before him is: “who is your father?”  Sometimes when you mention the name of your father, the man tries to find out if your father is that person he knows and that name he fears. And immediately, he changes either for the better or for the worse the treatment you will receive. Therefore, you have the right to bear the name of our father and Jesus gave us the power of attorney to not just bear the name, but to use the name; to invoke it for our benefit in different circumstances (John 16:23). 

If you remember that God Himself (according Philippians 2) gave Jesus the name above every other name so that at the Name of Jesus, every knee shall bow; the things on Earth, the things in Heaven and the things under the Earth. 

Now, this name that the father gave Jesus represents the name of the Father, Jesus is saying: “I give to you to invoke, so that you can use it to get whatsoever you want. And so, whatever you ask my father I my Name, He will give it to you”. It is not just a question of what we do with the name “the Father” in getting what we want. 

Jesus also said a thing in Mark 16:17 about what we do with the name against strangers; in particular against Satan. He says “these signs shall follow them who believe; for in my Name, you shall cast out demons”. In other words, Jesus gave us the name of the father to use (which was the name the Father gave Him); the Name that is above every other name to use in even opposing or bringing down opposition of the enemy. 

So, it is not just receive something in the name of the Father because that’s whose name we are bearing. We also invoke the Name to stop attacks, to stop opposition from outside. People of God, that’s why John said: “what manner of love has the Father bestowed upon us, that we should be called His Sons or His children”.

#copied from The Power Of Divine Son-ship (Coming up Soon)
By Pastor Mike Okwundu Onyeka

HOLINESS is a product of righteousness. When we receive righteousness as gift, we get born again. We received the empowerment to beco...