Wednesday 8 November 2017

Lazy People Are Unwise / Foolish (Proverb 6:6; 12:11):
Every slothful person is unwise and lacks wisdom, and so the bible is saying: “you lazy man or lazy woman go to the earth, look at the ant; go and receive teaching and instruction from the way the ants operate. Meaning that wherever you find laziness, then it’s lack of knowledge and lack of wisdom. For wisdom is consistent with diligence and inconsistent with laziness.
In Proverb 12:11, vain persons are the opposite of the tillers of the ground. Diligent people are people who exercise in their farms and business. Vain person is the opposite of the one that works in his farm and He said that person is void of understanding.
So, laziness is consistent with lack of understanding and lack of wisdom whereas diligence is consistent with wisdom and understanding.

#Copied from the book “The Power Of Diligence” by Pastor Michael Onyeka (coming up soon).`

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