Thursday 22 February 2018

When Should We Praise God?
What occasions do we praise God? Now the bible said from morning till night. The bible said so in Psalm 113:3 and Psalm 71:8. One says praise God from morning till sun down and in the other one that we will praise God all day long. 

Therefore we are suppose to praise God from the moment we wake up from sleep in the morning till we go back to sleep again next night. God’s praise ought to be at our lips.

 We need to praise God from sunset to sundown and throughout the day. Even in the times of difficulties, we ought to praise Him still.
That’s what David said in Psalms 42:11 “even when my spirit and soul hurts, I will praise Him for He will eventually bring my salvation”. Therefore, it doesn’t matter the circumstances. So the simply means that we need to praise God always. In the morning, in the noon, in the evening, in the night, in all circumstances and all situations we need to praise God. Don’t stop praising Him. Hallelujah. 

Copied from the book titled “Wonders of Praise (to be published soon)
By Pastor Mike Onyeka (@Victorious People Assembly Int’l Inc)

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