Friday, 8 September 2017

Every Miracle Is A Product Of An Instruction Obeyed

 If you look at all the records of the miracles in the scripture, you will discover that every miracle was preceded by an instruction. 

For Neman to receive divine healing from leprosy, Elisha gave an instruction: go to Jordan and deep yourself seven times.

Before the widow of Zarephath received the miracle of three and a half (31/2) years of supernatural provision of food, she was giving instruction by Elijah: go and do that one plate of you have left, give to me first and then go and do for yourself and your son. 

Before the walls of Jericho collapsed, God had told Israel: you have to go round the walls Jericho once a day for seven days and on the seventh day, you have to do it seven times, and when you finish it, when you hear the sound of the trumpet, shout a shout of victory and the walls will collapse; and that’s what happened. 

In the miracle of the fishes that we have talked about in Luke 5, Peter had received an instruction from Jesus: launch out into the deep for a drought, and it was when he obeyed that instruction that it was a miracle. 

So, people of God, today a number of instructions that we have; the instruction can from God as logos or as Rhema to you. The instruction can come from the mouth of the servant of God to you as Rhema; “Your Miracle Is In Your Carrying Out That Instruction”

And that is why obedience is described as doing what is commanded the way it is commanded and the time it is commanded. Therefore, if you are expecting a miracle from the hands of God, you have to be sensitive to instructions. 

And once that instruction is received, you must obey it fully in the manner and the time that God has ordained or recommended. That is the spiritual season for miracles; every miracle is a product of instruction obeyed. 

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